Program Flow Sample

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The flow of a Christmas party program should go quickly. You do notwant people to get bored and leave the party early.

Flowchart Examples The following flowchart examples can be edited and modified with our. To, it is best to start work from the flowchart examples. Now we present some flowchart examples on flowcharting for proper understanding of this technique.

Flow Chart Example 1 Draw a flowchart to find the sum of the first 50 natural numbers. Answer: The required flowchart is given in Fig. 1Flowchart for the sum of the first 50 natural numbers Flow Chart Example 2 Draw a flowchart to find the largest of three numbers A, B, and C. Answer: The required flowchart is shown in Fig 2 Fig 2 Flowchart for finding out the largest of three numbers Flowchart Example 3 Draw a flowchart for computing factorial N (N!) Where N!

The required flowchart has been shown in fig 3 Answer: Fig 3 Flowchart for computing factorial N Flowchart Example 4 A product assembly team in a gaming machine manufacturer were looking for ways of building the products more efficiently. They broke down the assembly process into a set of Flowcharts, showing how sub-assemblies were made and then built into the final product. Analysis of the reel assembly process revealed two improvements: • The kit of parts was already checked by the kit assembly line, who were sometimes careless, as they knew the kit would be rechecked. The assembly line process was improved so the check here could be removed.

This saved over two minutes per reel in checking, and up to fifteen minutes when the kit was faulty. • Fitting the reel band after the reel had been attached to the base was awkward. Fitting the band before the reel was attached to the base was more comfortable and saved about a minute per reel. The process Flowcharts, before and after improvement, are shown in Fig.

Fig 4 Flowchart for gaming machine manufacturer.


A Debut Program flow usually last for aorund 3-4 hours and most of the time is being spent on dining and the dances (18 roses dance, cottillion dance, intermission number, or dance performance by the debutante). Here is a sample flow of an event for debut party or 18th birthday celebration. You can twist, add or move some of the items on the debut program outline below.

Welcoming of Guests This includes registration. If you have a photobooth, you can instruct them to go directly to the booth. Hmmm I think that you no longer need to tell them. AVP This AVP can contain introduction of the debutante.


Debut Sample Program Flow

Who is the birthday girl? This can showcase the magical transformation of the debutante from a simple girl to an attractive lady Grand entrance of debutante It can continue where the last slide AVP ended. Debutante can wear the same dress from the last scene on AVP. If you have smoke and spotlight effect, this is the time to use them! Parent's talk This is the part where the parent or a family member will say welcome and enjoy the party Toast for Debutante Toast.

Audio Visual Presentation Everything that the first AVP failed to share. This one can focus on the present like the debutatante's present looks, hobbies, present friends, present boyfriend. Prayer A moment of silence to thank God. Dining One of the most awaited part of every birthday party is the dining. Be sure to give enough time. You can conduct some fun games while the other guests are lining up for their food or waiting to be served. 18 roses dance Time for the knights to come!

(time to spot who can't dance) 18 candles 18 candles can also deliver short speeches or wishes Birthday song Happy birthday, Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to You!! (No need to distribute the lyrics) Blowing of cake 1.2.3. (Repeat if debutante forget to make her wish) Cotillion Waltz dance This can be a mix of traditional dance and modern dance. Gateway live updater windows 10. Father and Daugther Dance One of the most emotional part Closing Remarks/ Debutante Speech This is the time to pass the microphone to debutante and say thank you for coming in her special day and in giving an awesome party. It will look good if the debutante can avoid reading on written script. Party Anyone who didn't have the chance to dance in cotillion and in 18 roses can join now That's it. Anything you want to add on this debut program outline?

Longer time for speech? I'll aim to write for a debut script for emcee next. Thanks for reading.